
We travel over 20 million miles a year along Buffalo-Niagara roadways (2010 VMT) – so parking is essential for many people in the region. Find parking in the Buffalo Niagara Region near you.


Reduce air pollution by reserving and paying for your parking space ahead of time with Spot Hero. You can easily select the space that’s best for you online or on your phone with parking space details and photos. Download the Spot Hero app:


Report a Broken Parking Meter – If you come across a broken parking meter, please let the City of Buffalo know about it by calling Parking Meters & Enforcement at (716) 851-5832. Find out more about how to report a broken parking meter.

Disability Parking – The City of Buffalo offers different types of parking permits for individuals with disabilities. See more information about disability parking on the City of Buffalo’s website.

Buffalo Roam App - Pay for parking in the City of Buffalo with the Buffalo Roam mobile app. Download the Buffalo Roam app: